At New Health Consultants we believe in gradually modifying your diet plans and bringing about permanent changes to promote better health. We believe in providing the clients with nutritional supplements to correct any deficiencies. Our diet plans are modified at regular intervals according to your feedback, making you more involved and interested. Our nutritionists are available to clarify your queries anytime during the clinic working hours. Our nutrition consultants follow up with you on a weekly basis till the end of your program, providing support throughout. At New Health Consultants, we also believe in imparting our clients with the knowledge of nutrition knowing why and what they are doing in the nutrition plan designed for them. We cater to nutrition and diet needs of all age groups from all walks of life (in good health or in disease) from all over the world. We have diet plans/advice for everyone, including infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, adults and sports persons.
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